Thursday, September 3, 2009

Xbox 360 Red Light Fix Pro Repair Guide: Review

If you've ever owned an Xbox 360, you may have experienced one very common problem.  You go to power up your Xbox, and suddenly 3 of the 4 green lights around the light ring are suddenly red.  This is known as the Red Ring of Death (or RROD), and 35% of all Xbox 360 owners experience it at some point. Considering how many people own Xboxes, that's a pretty high number.

Now, there are a few ways to go about fixing the Xbox 360 RROD error.  Either you can:

1. Scrap your console and buy a new one
2. Send it to Microsoft or a console repair shop
3. Try to repair it yourself

Option one is usually the most costly, especially since Xboxes still run at around $300 depending on where you buy.  Option two is sometimes good, depending on whether your Xbox 360 is still under warranty, in which case Microsoft has to fix it.  This option takes up to a month or more for you to get your console back, however.

The third option is becoming more popular these days.  Because the RROD problem is so common, many savvy console users have put together repair guides.  These guides help you diagnose the exact cause of your RROD, then walk you through the repair process.  Not only are you saving a ton of money by investing in a repair guide, but you're also gaining valuable knowledge that you may need to fix the Xbox 360 RROD error for your next console if this happens again - or even for a friend's Xbox 360, if it happens to them as well.

There are a ton of repair guides out there, but the one I chose to repair my Xbox was the Xbox 360 Red Light Fix Pro.  Most of these guides promise to get your console up and running pretty fast, but I chose this one because of the guarantee that I'd be able to use my Xbox again normally within 2 hours. The other reason I chose this guide was the moneyback guarantee of 8-weeks to get a full refund (I didn't have to return my guide, but it was nice to have that security).

Whether you're interested in the free ebook they offer or not, the repair guide itself is pretty straightforward.  It's in PDF format so you get access to the download as soon as you buy it.  It's got clear instructions and a checklist of all the tools you need for the repair (which are few).  It's also got pictures to guide you through the process, which I found very helpful, since I'm not good at translating instructions to action in my head.

They also include high-def instructional videos on the site, which means you don't actually have to read the PDF guide at all if you choose not to.  I ended up combining the two, resorting to the videos when I wasn't sure what to do.

If you want a quick, easy way to fix the Xbox 360 RROD error, I highly recommend the Xbox 360 Red Light Fix Pro.  It'll save you money in the long run and get your console up and running really fast.  If you don't want to do it yourself, though, your best bet is probably to send it to Microsoft or try to find a repair shop.  I don't suggest buying a brand new console when there are resources like this available.

To learn how to fix your Xbox 360 RROD fast, click here

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